(Fox News) – In a frightening report, Fifty-three countries at the U.N. Human Rights Council, led by Cuba, just came out in support of China’s national security law this week according to a report from Fox News.

This law has formed the basis of the communist regime’s latest crackdown on the people of Hong Kong. Dueling statements were read out in the Council Tuesday in support and against the national security law. According to Axios, Cuba read out a statement in favor of the law backed by 52 other countries, while the U.K. read out a statement against it, representing itself and 26 other countries.

Chinese state media Xinhua reported that the Cuban statement said the law was beneficial for Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability and guarantees that Hong Kong residents can exercise their freedom in a “safe environment.”


The law criminalizes anti-government movements, and is targeted at pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong who have pushed back against Beijing’s incursions on freedoms in the territory — which is supposed to be ruled on the principle of “one country, two systems.” READ MORE


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