(Fox News) – The State Department is concerned China may be conducting small nuclear tests in secret, possibly violating an international agreement banning such tests, Fox News confirmed Wednesday. A new State Department report on compliance with arms control, nonproliferation, and disarmament, first obtained by the Wall Street Journal earlier Wednesday,

found that China may be flouting international law by conducting the tests within the northwest region of the country, using low explosive power. The report didn’t prove any wrongdoing on the part of the Chinese but still raised red flags. “Some compliance concerns are raised and some findings of violations are made,” it read.

Officials wrote that China had maintained a “high level of activity” at its Lop Nur site in 2019, and could be seeking to operate it year-round going forward. It also mentioned China’s use of explosive containment chambers, extensive evacuations at the site and lack of transparency on nuclear testing as reasons for raising suspicions. READ MORE



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