(RT) – For the first time since records began, Moscow’s average winter temperature was above zero degrees. Meanwhile, the winter weather in the region surrounding the capital was similar to that of Berlin, Prague, Bratislava, Sofia and Vienna, and more characteristic for towns and cities in the south of the country, with averages an astonishing 7.7 degrees above normal.

Global warming took its toll on Russia across 2019. The summer months saw vast swathes of Siberia engulfed in wildfires and, in December 2019, President Vladimir Putin spoke of the risks of climate change for Russian cities within the Arctic Circle. Now the climate crisis has shown no signs of slowing down in 2020. The winter of 2019-20 exceeded all records, beating the previous hottest period 59 years ago, according to a report by weather center Fobos.

“In the capital city, the average seasonal temperature exceeded the norm by 7.7 degrees. Moscow, which is [usually] the third coldest capital city in the world, had a positive average winter air temperature of +0.5 degrees,” Fobos wrote. It added that the warm winter will likely be followed by an even warmer March, and snow cover should “completely disappear” by March 5th. Roman Vilfand, Scientific Director of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, cited slightly different figures. He told the TASS News Agency that the average winter temperature in Moscow was 2.5 degrees warmer than the previous record of -2.8, set in winter 1960-61. READ MORE



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