(The Sun) – A Brazilian man has taken self-expression to ink-redible new lengths, using tattoos and piercings to transform himself into a ‘human Satan’. Michel Faro do Prado, 44, from São Paulo, in Brazil has undergone numerous body modifications, dozens of tattoos and piercings, and even customized his teeth to complete his devil-like image.

The tattoo artist of 25-years focuses on blackwork and brutal tattoos – where you ink a large part of your body. He also enlisted a dentist to shape his teeth into canine-inspired arches, which he now plans to coat entirely in metal. Michel claims to have a high pain tolerance and isn’t put off by the thought of enduring even more pain to achieve his dream devil body.

In fact, he said he “suffers a lot more” in the post-procedures than during them, adding: “The truth is that there are changes that without anesthesia would be almost impossible to be done.” “If I have to feel pain, to achieve what I want, for sure I will face it!” Michel often receives stares from people in public and is well-known in his town, taking pride in his nickname of “the human Satan.” READ MORE



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