(Christian News Network) – The governor of Nebraska has issued a proclamation declaring Jan. 22, the 47th year of Roe v. Wade, as a statewide Day of Prayer for an end to abortion. “Nebraska is a pro-life state that respects the dignity of human life, no matter how small,” Gov. Pete Ricketts wrote in the proclamation, posted to social media on Jan. 8.
“It seems right and fitting that the citizens of the state of Nebraska are urged to pray for an end to abortion and for our fellow citizens who need our love and support.” The document points to text in state law noting that it is “the will of the people of the state of Nebraska and the members of the legislature to provide protection for the life of the unborn child whenever possible.”
“I do hereby urge all individuals to pray on their own or with others … for an end to abortion,” Ricketts, a Republican and Roman Catholic, declared. “Be it further resolved that the citizens of the great state of Nebraska are encouraged to take direct action to aid mothers, fathers and families in need, especially those expecting a child who cannot provide for themselves.” READ MORE