OPINION (ETH) – Another venue in the United Kingdom has reportedly canceled an appearance by evangelist Franklin Graham, after pressure from LGBTQ activists and their allies. CBN News reported that Glasgow’s Scottish Event Campus (SEC) Hydro dropped Graham’s booking at the order of its principal shareholder, the Glasgow City Council.  The recent decision was made in fears that Graham’s speech may violate “Hate Speech Laws” in the United Kingdom. Susan Aitken, Scottish National Party councilwoman, and the local leader went on to say:

“The reporting of the ways in which Mr. Graham expresses his views makes clear that this is not simply about offense or disagreement. Neither is it a debate about free speech,”
Aiken said.  “How he expresses his views could, I believe, fundamentally breach the council’s statutory equalities duties,” she continued. The local newspaper there reported that much of the anger directed at Franklin Graham from those in the UK stems from his past comments about gay rights, Islam and his support for President Donald Trump.


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