Charisma – A church cleaning woman was arrested after stabbing two people in the head with scissors at the Pentecostal Church of God in Bloomington, California. Police arrested 23-year-old Destinee Watson for suspicion of attempted murder on Friday, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Watson reportedly felt disrespected by a female church employee. In response, Watson grabbed the woman by the hair and punched her repeatedly. When another woman tried to separate the two women who were fighting, Watson shifted her attack from the first employee to the woman trying to intervene.

According to the SBSD – Fontana Sheriff’s Department, Watson pulled the second woman to the ground, grabbed a pair of scissors and stabbed her several times. Watson then began attacking a third woman who entered the room to intervene, stabbing her in the face with the scissors as well. The third woman was able to flee to safety and wait for the police to arrive. Watson’s bail was set at $1,025,000. Information regarding the condition of the victims is not available as of this writing. READ MORE



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