(OPINION) Charisma – In a recent post, Mario Murillo rightly noted that after the United States Army liberated the German concentration camps, General Eisenhower viewed the incomprehensible horror. His reaction was to make every soldier in the area come and see it for themselves. When he was asked why he had subjected these men to such savagery and why he forced them to view images which they could never wash from their minds, he said this, “We are told that the American soldier does not know what he was fighting for.

Now, at least he will know what he is fighting against.” While we are concerned with terrorism, and rightly so, there is a greater threat from within. We are witnessing the rapid deterioration of a nation before our eyes. We have become one nation “above” God, rather than under God. Roy Moore hits this head-on when he wrote, “While truth and law were founded on the God of all creation, man now, through the law, denies the truth and calls it ‘separation’.

No longer does man see a need for God when he’s in full control, for the only truth self-evident is in the latest poll. But with man as his own master, we fail to count the cost, our precious freedoms vanish and our liberty is lost. Children are told they can’t pray in school and they teach them evolution, when will they see the fear of God is the only true solution?” Although fictitious, the following imaginary headlines that I released a few years ago may be more fact than fiction if America continues to ignore the warning signs and puts the wrong people in the office. For this reason, I am re-releasing them: READ MORE



  • End Time Headlines

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