FaithWire – A husband who lost his wife and two children in the horrific attack on a Mormon family in Mexico has spoken out about the devastating ordeal. “My whole life has turned upside down,” David Langford told ABC News. “Not only have I lost a wife and two children, but I’m having to move the rest of my family with really no place to go at this point.”

Langford’s 13-year-old son, Devin, survived the attack and was heralded as a hero for seeking help for his fellow family members. The youngster came out of the attack unscathed and managed to walk some 14 miles to seek help after hiding his injured siblings among the bushes. “Every one of my children that survived that are living miracles,” David explained. “How many bullet holes were fired into that vehicle … at that horrific scene and how many children were involved.

It’s amazing. It’s amazing. It’s beyond amazing that they survived.” Langford went on to describe Devin as a “hero” because he “gave his life for his brothers and sisters.” Nine people were shot dead when suspected drug cartel gunmen opened fire on the family’s convoy of cars as they traveled in Northern Mexico on November 4. Police still believe that the cartel may have mistake the family for a rival drug gang. As for how he feels towards the murderers themselves, Langford said he always seeks to forgive but that he also believes there should be consequences for such heinous actions. READ MORE



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