(OPINION) – FaithWire – Democratic Presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg has once again spoken openly about his Christian faith, this time addressing issues of Biblical literalism and even offering his take on how the Bible informs views on abortion. Talking to Rolling Stone, Buttigieg said that despite growing up at a Catholic school, he was drawn to the Episcopal church because it is “liturgically conservative and theologically a little more open” — a spot where Buttigieg said himself feels right at home.

Buttigieg went on to talk about why he deems it important to interpret the scriptures with the proper historical context applied. “I think for a lot of us — certainly for me — any encounter with Scripture includes some process of sorting out what connects you with the God versus what simply tells you about the morals of the times when it was written, right?” he said. “For example, the proposition that you should execute your sister by stoning if she commits adultery.  READ MORE


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