(FaithWire) – More than 250,000 students reportedly gathered last week on athletic fields across the country to pray and worship. As part of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes’ (FCA) “Fields of Faith” program, students gathered at more than 500 fields nationwide, according to Fox News. “In a world where bad news seems to be the norm, we’re happy to share the great news that lives are being changed through [FCA’s] ‘Fields of Faith,’” FCA Executive Director of Ministry Advancement Jeff Martin, told Fox News.

“From the student leaders who take on the responsibility to bring ‘Fields of Faith’ to their communities to the skeptical or hurting teen who might be attending for the first time, we see time and again that ‘Fields of Faith’ motivates, energizes, rejuvenates, and unites.” An annual event, the “Fields of Faith” program began in 2002, according to its website. It is a student-led event held on an athletic field to “provide a neutral, rally point where a community can come together,” the website said. READ MORE


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