(CBS DFW) – The Freedom of Religion Foundation has filed a complaint with the State Commission on Judicial Conduct regarding the actions of the judge in the Amber Guyger murder trial. Following Guyger’s sentencing to 10 years in prison, State District Judge Tammy Kemp gave her a bible, hugged her and prayed with the former police officer, now convicted of the murder of Botham Jean. The organization says it protects the Constitutional principals of the separation of church and state. The complaint states:
We write to raise your awareness of Judge Kemp’s actions at the close of the trial — during which she gifted a Christian bible, instructing the convicted criminal on how to read the bible and which passages to pay attention to, and witnessing to that convicted murderer. These proselytizing actions overstepped judicial authority, were inappropriate and were unconstitutional. Courtroom video shows that after the sentencing and the victim impact statement, Judge Kemp left the courtroom, then returned holding her personal bible. She walked over to Amber Guyger at the defense table and proceeded to preach. READ MORE