OPINION (Express) – The San Francisco Bay area was rocked by a 4.5 magnitude earthquake at 10.33 pm local time last night. Shaking could be felt 40 miles away in San Jose, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Seismologist Lucy Jones has warned the tremors could get worse in the days to come. Dr. Jones wrote on Twitter: “Any quake can be a foreshock, there’s a slight increase in the chance of a bigger quake for the next few days,

at the same location near the Calaveras fault.” The San Andreas Fault is another region beneath California which is of particular concern to seismologists, with many claiming it is long overdue a huge shakeup. Dr. Thomas Rockwell, a San Diego State University geology professor and paleoseismologist, previously told KPBS News: “I’m sure you have heard about the San Andreas fault is overdue for an earthquake, so from dating past earthquakes, we know that the average recurrent interval is about 180 years. READ MORE


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