OPINION (BIN) – The Conference of the Organization of the 70 Nations will culminate on Friday, September 27 with a ceremony in which an animal sacrifice will be offered on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem to renew the covenant made between God and all of mankind. Non-Jewish Animal Sacrifice. The Torah website Dirshu published an article in October 2018 relating an anecdote concerning Rabbi Shimshon Dovid Pincus, a Torah authority and prolific author, who passed away in 2001. The article relates how several

Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) Jews were conversing and one asked what they would do if they suddenly discovered they were not Jewish. Several stated that they would immediately begin the process to convert to Judaism. Others opined that they would not convert but would work at performing the seven Noahide laws in an exemplary fashion. Rabbi Pincus stated, “I would run to make an animal sacrifice.” He explained that in our times, it is forbidden for Jews to make an animal sacrifice outside of the Temple but a non-Jew is permitted. READ MORE


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