(Fox News) – A teenager reportedly went deaf and blind due to his junk food diet, according to a study released on Monday. The case involves a teen, believed to be the UK’s first such case, who slowly lost his eyesight and hearing after years of eating nothing but fries, chips and other kinds of junk food. In a study published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, researchers from the University of Bristol warn that such poor diets can not only lead to obesity, heart disease, and cancer but “also permanently damage the nervous system, particularly vision.”

The then 14-year-old boy, described as a “fussy eater,” complained of experiencing tiredness to his family doctor. Blood tests showed he had anemia and low levels of vitamin B12, the report said. He was treated with injections of vitamin B12 and was provided guidance on ways to improve his diet. By the age of 15, however, his hearing and vision became impaired. Though test results from an MRI and eye exam turned up normal, the boy’s vision worsened, according to Live Science. At 17, he was declared legally blind. CONTINUE


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