Documentary Reveals Explosive Underground Church Growth in Iran
OPINION (Charisma) – A new documentary, Sheep Among Wolves Volume II, documents the growth of Iran’s house church movement, making the case that women are leading a silent Christian revolution within one of the world’s most oppressive nations. Open Doors USA’s World Watch List ranks Iran as the ninth-most difficult country to be a Christian, noting that it is illegal to preach the gospel and convert Muslims. House church members risk arrest and prison sentences. Yet in this harsh environment, a women-led movement is spreading. The documentary, produced by Frontier Alliance International (FAI) Studios,
premiered on August 23 and is freely available on YouTube for anyone to watch. The film’s official trailer says, “Muslim-background Iranians are leading a quiet but mass exodus out of Islam and bowing their knees to the Jewish Messiah—with kindled affection toward the Jewish people. The Iranian awakening is a rapidly reproducing discipleship movement that owns no property or buildings, has no central leadership and is predominantly led by women.”\ In a press release, FAI Studios says sexual assault rates are significantly higher in Iran than the United States: “Almost no woman in Iran reaches adulthood without first experiencing profound abuse.” “This is why there is an awakening inside of Iran because it’s a women’s movement,” says an anonymous woman in the trailer. READ MORE
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