OPINION (Christian News Network) – A man wearing a colander on his head was permitted to offer the opening “prayer” on behalf of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster during a local government meeting in Alaska on Tuesday, which is the latest act of mockery by the self-proclaimed “pastor” following a court ruling. The self-identifying “Pastafarian,” Barrett Fletcher, cited the various duties performed by the members of the Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly in his message, adding a few of them “seem to feel they can’t do the work

without being overseen by a higher authority.” “So, I’m called to invoke the power of the true inebriated creator of the universe, the drunken tolerator (sic) of the all lesser and more recent gods, and maintainer of gravity here on earth. May the great Flying Spaghetti Monster rouse himself from his stupor and let his noodly appendages ground each assembly member in their seats,” Fletcher mockingly stated. Fletcher ended his “prayer” with “Ramen,” which refers to the Japanese-style of “pulled noodles”. READ MORE


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