OPINION (Charisma) – Christian filmmakers Alex and Stephen Kendrick report that 50 people accepted Christ after a viewing of Overcomer. “I’m grateful the Lord has been carrying us through all of this,” Stephen told Movieguide. The multiple salvations are just one example of the miracles the brothers have heard in response to their movie. “To hear that 50 people came to Christ in just one screening, and that churches were leveraging [the movie] for the gospel, to hear people respond online that not only were they entertained by the film, but we see the responses that God spoke deeply to [them] about who [they are] in Christ;
it’s everything we [were] hoping would happen in the hearts of believers,” Stephen said. Alex said that he believes much of the success of Overcomer—which broke records for the number of theaters showing a Kendrick Brothers’ movie—stems from the amount of prayer behind the scenes. “The more we went down the path of identity, the more prayer we knew was needed,” Alex said. “We believe that the Creator gets to define the identity of His creation, and that’s where we find the truest version of our identity, and who we were meant to be, when we find ourselves in the one who created us. READ MORE