OPINION (Charisma) – It’s not surprising to find a New Age guru in the nation of Sri Lanka. But when that same guru mixes Christian faith, the Lord’s Supper and prophetic revelation with New Age teachings, you can understand why church leaders around the world are concerned. The man at the center of this controversy is Kirby de Lanerolle, 44, a Sri Lankan who says he was raised in the Methodist Church. Today he leads WOW Life Church in the capital city of Colombo. (WOW stands for “Works of Wonder.”) His growing crowd of followers say his ministry is accompanied by unusual miracles including instant weight loss, gray hair
turning black, gold dust and cash appearing supernaturally in wallets. But de Lanerolle’s trademark is his revelation of “breatherianism”—the belief that humans don’t need food to exist. Basing his ideas on ancient Eastern philosophy, de Lanerolle believes he receives most of his nutrition from vibrations of energy as well as sunlight. He also takes daily Communion and claims that Jesus was a breatharian because He fasted for 40 days. De Lanerolle’s teachings obviously appeal to people who struggle with their weight—and this may explain why he’s gaining popularity in the United States. De Lanerolle claims to be able to “impart” to others the ability to tap into spiritual vibrations so they lose their appetite for food. READ MORE