(Express) – Stromboli volcano in Italy has stopped erupting for now – but experts fear the worst is yet to come, with one volcanologist warning about the risk of a devastating tsunami. The eruption of Stromboli, an active volcano near Sicily, has killed one hiker and terrified the small cities built at its feet, like tourist hotspot Ginostra. But Guido Ventura, a volcanologist at the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology

(INGV) said Stromboli should not be underestimated, as it could bring even more destruction following Wednesday’s eruption. He told Italian daily Il Messaggero: “What worries the most is not just the fall of incandescent molten lava fragments, but is most of the times the risk of tsunamis. Usually, the products of the eruption fall back and get deposited along the sides of the volcano, what is commonly called the Sciara del Fuoco, a sort of valley opening on the northern side of Stromboli. “There, go all the pyroclastic materials and magma erupted – which can provoke landslides of various intensity and, once they hit the water, they can trigger a tsunami. READ MORE


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