(Fox News) – While the majority of cases diagnosed as flesh-eating bacteria involve a body of water, one California woman who lost the majority of muscle and skin on her left foot said the origin of her infection remains a mystery. “I retraced my steps and it’s still a mystery to the origin,” Noelle Guastucci, of University Heights, told Fox 5 San Diego. Guastucci, who was released from the hospital on Wednesday after nearly two weeks of care, said doctors told her that if she waited until the next morning to seek help she possibly could’ve lost her life. Guastucci said it started with what felt like an internal bruise on the
Fourth of July, which quickly progressed on the pain scale and was accompanied by intense swelling. Within two minutes her foot had ballooned to a size she knew required medical attention. “The pain was so excruciating,” she told Fox 5 San Diego. “On a scale from one to 10, it was an 11. It felt like someone had poured acid on my foot.” She was rushed to Kaiser Permanente where doctors worked to control her infection and stop it from spreading. At its worst, Guastucci’s foot bones were nearly exposed. “I was facing possible amputation,” she told the news outlet. READ MORE