OPINION (Fox News) – Alvin Dupree Jr. loves God and it’s not much of a secret around Appleton, Wis. He’s the pastor of a local church and currently serves on the board of education. His campaign platform boasted that he was a “Man of God First” and he would stand for Christian values. So when Pastor Dupree was invited to deliver the commencement address at North High School, it should not have surprised anyone when he mentioned his relationship with Jesus Christ and ended his remarks with a hearty “God bless!” But the

Freedom From Religion Foundation says it received a number of complaints and it is demanding the pastor be banned from speaking at graduations or any other public ceremony. We either stand up and save America or we do nothing and allow the left to prevail. “We also ask that the (school board) take appropriate actions to condemn Dupree’s unconstitutional conduct, censuring or reprimanding him as appropriate, and taking steps to remove him from the board if necessary,” the FFRF wrote in a threatening letter to the school district. READ MORE


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