OPINION (CBN) – A Canadian family has filed a civil rights complaint with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario after their six-year-old daughter became overtly confused when her first-grade teacher taught the class to question their gender. In January of 2018, the child was required to watch a YouTube video titled, “He, She and They?!?—Gender: Queer Kid Stuff #2.” It contained statements such as, “some
people aren’t boys or girls,” and that there are people who do not “feel like a ‘she’ or a ‘he,'” and therefore might not have a gender. In an exclusive story, The Post Millenial, reports that two-and-a-half months into the semester, Jason and Pamela Buffone could see the teacher’s lessons on gender theory were having a severely negative impact on their daughter. She would ask them repeatedly why her identify as a girl was “not real.” The young girl had never had a problem at school and her mother told the newspaper she “adores school.” READ MORE
Talk about gender confusion, look now at what these crazy left-wing liberals are doing to our children. Life is hard enough on kids, but now the little girl in this article is so upset to understand is she a she/he/it/they. Like telling someone they are really an alien from outer space, not a human. I hope these idiots get what’s coming to them and soon. That is the end of time comes and they are judged for doing such awful things to God’s innocent children.