(FW) – A Christian doctor in England could lose his medical license for interjecting faith into his meetings with patients. Dr. Richard Scott, a general practitioner at the Bethesda Medical Center in Margate, Kent, is currently under investigation by the General Medical Council and the National Health Service. This latest inquiry arose after an acquaintance of a patient complained to the National Secular Society in May that a “highly vulnerable” patient felt “discomfort at the use of prayer” by Scott, according to The Telegraph.

Scott has faced disciplinary action before. In 2012, the doctor received a warning from the GMC for telling a “psychologically troubled” 24-year-old patient that “unless he turned to Jesus, he would eternally suffer.” He furthermore allegedly said, “The devil haunts people who do not turn to Jesus.” For his part, Scott, a committed Christian, said he only offered the patient the chance to talk about the role faith could play in helping him at the end of the consultation and with the patient’s permission. READ MORE


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