OPINION (Charisma) – The Bible has much to say about the end times. And if you’ve been watching the news, you may be wondering if we’re in those prophesied last days. In many ways, it seems as though the evil in our culture and across the world is getting worse and worse. Are all these wars, political scandals and natural disasters coming to a head now? Is the Antichrist about to introduce the mark of the beast? I recently discussed this topic with Pastor Mark Biltz for my “In Depth With Stephen Strang” podcast, which you can listen to here or at the end of the article. Biltz has been studying the Scriptures from a

Jewish perspective to decode the end times and the Antichrist’s future system. He says many Christians have a false sense of confidence that they will never take the mark of the beast. The mark the Antichrist chooses, he points out, will be extremely enticing. “I think parents are going to run for the mark of the beast,” Biltz says. “They’re going to want it because it’s going to be so tempting. It’s not going to be some ugly thing. It’s going to be something that will let you access the internet with your thoughts. So I think people will be deceived because they’re going to be passionate about the things of this world.” READ MORE


  • End Time Headlines

    End Time Headlines is a Ministry that provides News and Headlines from a "Prophetic Perspective" as well as weekly podcasts to inform and equip believers of the Signs and Seasons that we are living in today.


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