(The Christian Post) A federal lawsuit filed in Kansas on Monday alleges that the state is violating the rights of trans-identified persons by not allowing them to change the sex on their birth certificates. The Kansas City Star reported that Lambda Legal, an LGBT advocacy group, along with another law firm filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court in Kansas City, Kansas, on behalf or four individuals who say they’re now the opposite sex and identify as transgender.
Attorneys for the trans-identified persons argue their clients’ rights under the 14th Amendment’s promise of equal protection and due process are being violated by the state’s refusal to issue “updated” birth certificates. “Let me be clear. A transgender woman is a woman. A transgender man is a man — period,” said Omar Gonzalez-Pagan, senior attorney for Lambda Legal, at a news conference announcing the filing. A birth certificate is a “quintessential identity document that follows a person from birth until death” and is therefore “essential,” Gonzalez-Pagan said. FULL REPORT
I think it’s fair to add an addendum to a birth record notating that someone has become transgendered. I do not believe they have the right to rewrite the historical fact of the sex they were born as and that DNA confirms. Maybe, it could look like “Female – trans to male” or “Male – Transgendered to female.” That would be more correct, but should only be allowed after complete surgical transgender.