Church services featuring creative spectacles of light and sound, fog machines, pop music and aerial gymnasts have sparked debate across the country. Supporters claim that the shows both glorify God and appeal to a younger generation that craves sensory stimulation. Critics worry that these theatrics have replaced genuine worship and sound theological doctrine while confusing the purpose of the Church with that of an entertainment hall, just to fill the pews.

Embassy Church International of Atlanta is making headlines for its weekly entertainment events featuring an in-your-face ensemble of fog machines, aerial gymnasts, stage lights and energized musical performances that are meant to bring the gospel alive for worshippers. Gone are the days of traditional intoning of hymns to the tune of a piano or organ followed by a solemnly delivered Biblical lesson drawn from the pages of the Bible. CONTINUE


  • End Time Headlines

    End Time Headlines is a Ministry that provides News and Headlines from a "Prophetic Perspective" as well as weekly podcasts to inform and equip believers of the Signs and Seasons that we are living in today.


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