Many of America’s public schools are teaching youths “pornographic” subject matter these days, some parents argue, so they’re planning a “Sex Ed Sit Out” on April 23.  They want like-minded parents to keep their children at home that Monday, to send a message to local school boards and elected officials. Cities planning to participate include Charlotte, N.C.; Sacramento, Calif.; Bloomington, Ind.; Austin and

San Antonio, Texas; Spokane, Wash.; and Martinsburg, W.Va., the Washington Times reported. The effort is being run in partnership with socially conservative groups such as the Family Research Council, the American Life League and the Liberty Counsel, the Times reported.  One of the sit-out organizers is Elizabeth Johnston, a North Carolina blogger who calls herself “The Activist Mommy.” She first revealed plans for the sit-out during a radio interview April 4, the Christian Post reported. READ MORE


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