A Church of England primary school has found itself thrust into an unexpected controversy over an essential doctrine of the Christian faith. what would seem like a perfectly normal religious instruction to children has a group of parents complaining such teaching is “extremist”. Bowing to pressure, Dan Turvey, the headmaster of St. John’s School in Tunbridge Wells, has broken off the 16-year working relationship with CrossTeach, an educational charity group. What is the “potentially damaging ideology”

that the children were exposed to? A group of 25 parents has signed their names to a letter complaining that the children were being taught about our sinful nature and, that because of sin, if they didn’t believe in God, “they would not go to a good place when they died.” The students were said to have been “upset and disturbed emotionally” by this lesson, and as a result, CrossTeach won’t be invited to conduct any more assemblies or Bible lessons.  READ MORE
