A California church is “hurting” after its insurance policy was dropped over what appears to be a few tired-looking roof shingles.

The roof analysis — which was made with satellite images and no formal in-person inspection — left San Diego’s Greater Gospel Center Church of God in Christ with no other option than to spend $51,000 on a brand-new roof.

They also had to find a new insurer, which led to another financial sucker punch. The cheapest quote the church could find was $20,000, which is $15,000 more than what they paid last year with their former insurer GuideOne.


“My roof was not leaking!” Pastor Sidney Buggs exclaimed to CBS 8. “How can they see the condition of a roof from a satellite? I don’t care how close they get. You’ve got to walk a roof.

“I’m a retired cement mason — general contractor. Yes, the roof is old, it’s worn a little bit, but it’s not leaking. There was no threat [of] leak. There’s no water spots in my sanctuary.”

GuideOne’s use of aerial imagery to conduct the Greater Gospel Center’s property inspection is not out of the ordinary. Insurance companies across the U.S. are now using drone technology and satellite images as a less intrusive way to perform property inspections.

The issue here is that the satellite images Buggs says GuideOne provided of the San Diego church didn’t seem all that bad. He shared the insurance company’s report with CBS 8, which said the church building had no structural damage, no missing shingles and no rust, patching or ponding.

It did, however, say that 27% of the roof shingles were “worn,” but the appraiser also stated it had 81% confidence in the asphalt material.

The Greater Gospel Center has less than 100 members, Buggs explained, none of whom are high earners with spare cash to help fix the roof or cover the vastly inflated cost of the new insurance policy. According to Buggs, it was a struggle to get a new insurance policy because companies didn’t want to take on the liability of a failing roof as reported by the previous insurer.

“We don’t have donors that can come write us checks. We’re hurting!” the pastor exclaimed. But the church’s congregation has “come together to make it work [because] that’s what this church means to the community.”

When CBS 8 sought comment from GuideOne on this issue, the insurer said it “does not comment on private matters involving our potential or actual policyholders.”


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