A robot ‘preacher’ that beams lights from its hands and can give automated blessings to the faithful has been launched in the town that gave fame to Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation.  Five hundred years after Luther published the Ninety-five Theses in Wittenberg, kicking off the Reformation, an evangelical church launched a unique automated blessing robot for the special celebrations in the historic town located in the German state of Saxony-Anhalt.The robot on

show in the old town of Wittenberg is called “BlessU-2” and was developed by the Evangelical Church in Hesse and Nassau. It consists of a metal box with a touch screen, two arms on the side, a head with eyes and a digital mouth at the top. After the robot wishes users a “warm welcome”, it asks them if they want to be blessed by a male or female voice. It then asks the believer “what blessing do you want”, which results in the robot making a mechanical sound as it raises its arms to the heavens and starts to smile. READ MORE


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