According to to a report from Charisma News, A former pastor was arrested for allegedly taking upskirt videos of women at his church. But the arrest earlier this month was not his first indiscretion. Rick Trotter, who was a pastor at two churches, was initially fired from Fellowship Memphis in 2010 for sexual misconduct. Church members allege Totter filmed them in the bathroom.

“When confronted, Trotter did not deny the charges and was thereby terminated,” according to a statement. Fellowship Memphis is pastored by John Bryson, who was part of Mark Driscoll’s Acts 29 network. “The individuals victimized, all adults, by this incident were notified of Trotter’s misconduct, made aware that he had been terminated, and asked whether they wanted to press charges. The victims were also offered independent professional counseling paid for by the church. It is our understanding that none of the victims at that time chose to press charges,” the statement continues. CONTINUE


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