A school in Colorado has given atheist organizations the green light to distribute some satanic information to students in middle and high schools. Why? As Delta County School District’s Assistant Superintendent Kurt Clay explained: Administrators don’t want to be guilty of discrimination.
Previously, the school district allowed for the distribution of free Bibles on campus grounds during course instructional time. The Freedom from Religious Foundation, the Western Colorado Atheists and Freethinkers and the Satanic Temple then complained, saying their groups ought to be allowed equal access.
“The school cannot discriminate against various points of view,” atheist Anne Landman told KVNF Radio. “If it’s going to distribute Christian literature, it has to also permit the distribution from every other point of view: atheism, Satanism, Buddhism. They have to take all comers.” READ MORE
Thought atheist do not believe in a god. How then are they supporting satanism? Is not Satan the god of this world? Did he not say, “I will set my throne above God.”? If they are supporting lucifer then are they not admitting that there is a god? How can lucifer, who’s sole purpose is being above God, not be a god himself? I used to believe that there was no god and that every man made his/her destiny in life,and there was no higher being other than oneself,as do all true atheist. Just don’t understand how they can promote satanism if they don’t believe in a god.
This is why America is in the mess it’s in. It was founded on CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES, but sadly those have been cast aside.