(OPINION) Todd Starnes – Charles Blow, The New York Times columnist, has caused a national stink after he said the cartoon character Pepe Le Pew “added to the rape culture.”

Mr. Blow literally believes that the behavior of the French skunk encouraged a generation of young men to sexually assault women. His column truly is a looney tune, good readers.

“Some of the first cartoons I can remember included Pepé Le Pew, who normalized rape culture; Speedy Gonzales, whose friends helped popularize the corrosive stereotype of the drunk and lethargic Mexicans; and Mammy Two Shoes, a heavyset Black maid who spoke in a heavy accent, he wrote.


To be clear there is no scientific or law enforcement data that suggests Looney Tunes led to an uptick in sexual assaults across America. Blow’s cheap shot at Pepe Le Pew and Speedy Gonzales garnered just a brief mention in a lengthy column outlining his grievances at Dr. Seuss, Little Rascals, and a children’s version of the Bible that portrayed Job as a white guy. Oh, the horror. READ MORE