(OPINION) Charisma – The signs of the end of the age and Jesus’ appearing are evident in the physical and spiritual worlds. But most people, including Christians, have not recognized them. How can we discern them? One sure way is by understanding how the Jewish feasts, or the feasts of the Lord, point to the ages of man, accurately showing us God’s timetable.

The Feasts of the Lord

The Jews believe major events in history are marked by the times of the feasts. For example, they commemorate the “birthday of the world,” the day of the creation of Adam and Eve, at Rosh Hashanah, which is also the Jewish New Year. God gave the law to Moses at Mount Sinai at the time of Pentecost.


The major events in Christ’s redemption of humanity are tied to three main feasts: Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles. Jesus had to die during the Feast of Passover. He could not have died at any other time because He is the sacrificial lamb given for the sins of the whole world. The outpouring of the Spirit, whom Jesus said the Father would send in His name, occurred at Pentecost. And the feast of tabernacles is related to Jesus’s second coming.

Times and Seasons

One of the Hebrew words for “feast” is moed, which means “an appointment,” or “a fixed time or season.” God Himself appointed the feasts, and they are therefore precise in revealing times and seasons. Not all the feasts have been completely fulfilled, but they will be. God’s times have been established for eternity; they do not change.

The feasts are also significant because they are times when portals to the spiritual realm are opened. We can say that heaven draws nearer to earth during these periods, when visitations from God to His people, angelic activity, supernatural protection, miracles, cycles of blessing, and the fulfillment of promises occurred. While unusual events in the physical realm may occur at any time, they do not carry the same weight or meaning as they do when they happen during one of the feasts. READ MORE