(OPINION) – Express – The glowing UFO or unidentified flying object was spotted over the North Carolina mountains by YouTuber Shane Smith. Mr. Smith recorded the mystery orb high up in the sky after he noticed it was brighter than the Moon.

The footage appears to show a glowing orb of green light, which Mr. Smith suggested could be a yard light on a nearby farm. He said: “This light was up a hill in a valley and it lit up the entire valley, brighter than the Moon.

“The owners of the farm claim it’s a new yard light that the neighbor installed. “It comes into focus at 0:22 but I left the beginning in for context in relation to the house. “I assumed when it focuses it is just the camera focusing on itself in the camera housing, but after seeing a few videos that are similar, I figured I’d post.”


Mr. Smith shared his video on Monday, August 3, and it has since been analyzed by UFO researcher and conspiracy theorist Scott C Waring. The UFO hunter took to his blog ET DataBase, where he drew odd links between the UFO and the Bible’s Book of Ezekiel.

In his opinion, the Bible contains records of ancient UFO sightings made before the birth of Jesus Christ. He said: “This video was recorded by Shane Smith a Youtuber who was fast enough to catch this glowing UFO for us to see. “The UFO is one of many that is wheel-like in nature. READ MORE