(ETH) – Residents in Utah and Virginia are being warned not to plant mysterious seeds that have been mailed to them from what appears to be China in what some is saying are invasive plants. According to a report from the NY Post, residents in Utah and Virginia have found these mysterious packets of seeds printed with Chinese text in their mailboxes – and state officials are warning them not to plant these in their gardens or yards.

“The types of seeds in the packages are unknown at this time and maybe an invasive plant species,” Virginia’s agriculture department said Friday. In Utah, one resident named Lori Culley received one of these packages with Chinese markings that she wrongly assumed were earrings.

“I opened them up and they were seeds,” Culley told her local Fox 13 station. “Obviously they’re not jewelry!” According to the report, Both states and US Customs along with Border Protection are all investigating the packages. They’re advising everyone not to plant the seeds and to report the deliveries to local authorities. Brits have also reportedly received these seed packages from China — marked as jewelry, the Daily Mail reported.
