OPINION (Michael Snyder) – This article is going to cause quite a bit of controversy.  If you didn’t like my first article about Trump’s “peace plan” for the Middle East, you probably won’t like this one either.  If you missed that article, let me briefly review where we currently stand.  President Trump has just released a “peace plan” which would officially recognize a Palestinian state, which would give them East Jerusalem as their capital, and which would double the amount of territory that the Palestinians currently control.

Fortunately, the Palestinians have utterly rejected this plan and want nothing to do with it.  But that is not what matters.  What matters is that President Trump is actively attempting to divide the land of Israel, and in this article, I will explain why this has very serious implications for all of us.

Despite everything that has happened over the years, most people are still under the illusion that Israel will finally have lasting peace if they can just reach a comprehensive peace agreement with the Palestinians.


But every time Israel has compromised in the past, it has only resulted in even more terrorism afterward.  This is a point that Eugene Kontorovich made brilliantly in an opinion piece for Fox News… The Palestinian Authority pivoted from the Oslo peace accords in 1993 to fomenting a horrific campaign of murderous terrorism in the Second Intifada. It institutionalized terror and anti-Semitism with pay-for-slay – rewarding Palestinian terrorists and their families with large payments for murdering Jews – and criminalizing the sale of land to Jews. READ MORE