(OPINION) Daily Wire – Moving on from suing female estheticians for refusing to wax male genitals, the world of gynecology is the next brave frontier for transgender woman and self-styled “LGBTQIA+ advocate” Jessica Yaniv. According to Yaniv, transgender “rights” not only include female salon workers being forced to wax male genitals, even when they don’t offer the service, but also gynecologists being forced to take on transgender patients who do not have female reproductive organs.

On Monday night, the activist ranted via Twitter about allegedly being discriminated against and turned away from a gynecology office because Yaniv is transgender. “Ok so [Fraser Health] needs to stop hiring employees who are discriminatory towards the #LGBTQ and use their bulls*** excuses on why they can’t see you even though you have a referral from the emergency department and live in the Fraser Health area!!” Yaniv posted to Twitter. “I want help and can’t get it!!” READ MORE
