(Fox News) – A mother of two and her lawyers claim that she had already undergone chemotherapy, a mastectomy and reconstructive surgery when she was told that she never even had cancer in the first place. Sarah Boyle, 28, told SWNS that her lawyers obtained an admission of liability from the hospital trust, but she wants more parameters put in place so that it can’t happen to any other patients.  “Being told that I had cancer was awful, but then to go through all of the treatment and surgery to then be told it was unnecessary was traumatizing,” Boyle, of Straffordshire, England, told SWNS.

Boyle claims that her ordeal began when she was 25, when she was allegedly told she had triple-negative breast cancer. She underwent extensive treatment but then was told in July 2017 that there had been a mistake. “The past few years have been incredibly difficult for me and my family,” Boyle, who said she was told the treatment may cause fertility issues, told SWNS. She went on to have her second child, but could not breastfeed him due to her treatment which she said was “heartbreaking.” She said she also worries now about possibly developing cancer because of the implants used during her reconstructive surgery. READ MORE
