OPINION (Christian News Network) – A college co-founded by Reformed theologian Douglas Wilson is being questioned after inviting Andrew Klavan, a crime/thriller novelist and screenwriter for the pro-life “Gosnell” movie, to speak to high school students as part of an event teaching youth how to “engage the culture” for Christ. Although unrelated to his topic of discussion, the controversy surrounds Klavan’s defense of homosexuality, as he has stated that while marriage is between a husband and wife, he believes that “loving” and monogamous relationships outside of the Divine design don’t “offend God,” may not be sinful (more

recently stating that “instinctively” he believes they are not) and that the Church should make allowance for same-sex “sexual companionship.” The concerns do not involve any suggestion that New Saint Andrews College in Moscow, Idaho, which is hosting its annual “Called” conference July 15-20, would share Klavan’s views. The matter rather involves Klavan being presented as a Christian — being purportedly invited to share his testimony and talk about working in Hollywood from a Christian perspective, while also publicly posting beliefs that are significantly at odds with Scripture and could lead men to eternal damnation. READ MORE
