OPINION (Express) – The 7.1 magnitude earthquake that struck California on Friday is believed to have somehow killed untold numbers of bees after disturbing footage emerged of swarms of insects lying dead on the ground – what has been going on? The unexpected mass casualties of the 7.1 magnitude earthquake in California have been revealed as bees, according to one social media influencer who discovered them. Experts believe the huge quake somehow disrupted the Earth’s magnetic fields which the bees rely on for navigation leading

to mass confusion, effective paralysis and death. YouTube sensation Khalil Underwood uploaded footage of thousands of dead bees lining his driveway outside his Californian home following the USA quake. Friday night’s mammoth tremor rocked the Mojave Desert near the town of Ridgecrest south of Death Valley National Park, causing widespread fires and gas line ruptures. It followed on the back of a 6.4 quake in the same region 34 hours earlier. No casualties were reported – but now it bizarrely appears the earthquake somehow triggered the death of huge numbers of bees. READ MORE
