OPINION (MS) – We have never seen global weather patterns go as crazy as they have so far in 2019. Record high temperatures are being shattered all over the planet, but meanwhile, some parts of the U.S. were just buried by massive amounts of snow. The sixth largest city in India is literally running out of water due to extremely dry conditions, but in middle America, it just won’t stop raining. In fact, the Midwest is getting hammered by more severe storms as I write this article. Meanwhile, Australia is being forced to import

enormous amounts of wheat due to the extraordinary drought that nation is currently experiencing. Everywhere you look around the globe we see bizarre weather extremes. Worldwide weather patterns are shifting dramatically, and many believe that what we have witnessed so far is just the beginning. Do you have an explanation for what is going on? Because the truth is that most of the experts don’t. Just look at what is happening in Colorado. Some parts of the state got up to 20 inches of snow on Saturday, and as a result Colorado’s snowpack is currently more than 4,000 percent above normal READ MORE
