OPINION (Charisma) – I’ve been stirred of late to do my little part in helping to prepare the church for the tumultuous decade of the 2020s that is just ahead of us. My new book, Cleansing The Temple, was the beginning of a small part of that, but there is so much more to say. I hope you will heed what the Lord is saying and doing in this great hour to both prepare and position His church for the coming days. 2020 will be a year when the nation will be totally divided. It will be the year that will see the election of your lifetime. —Mario Murillo I have said it for years. The Bible confirms it. Bittersweet times are ahead. The darkness will get darker. The light will grow brighter.

The distinction between the righteous and unrighteous, the true church and the carnal, compromising church will be much more visible. In many ways, the decade of the 2020s will be the most tumultuous decade in American history. Take a look at this definition of tumultuous: making a loud, confused noise; uproarious. Now read these next definitions slowly while thinking of the recent 2016 elections up till now: “Loud, deafening, thunderous, thundering, ear-shattering, ear-splitting, ear-piercing, uproarious, noisy, clamorous, vociferous, excited, confused or disorderly.” Here are some more synonyms: “tempestuous, stormy, turbulent, in turmoil, passionate, intense, explosive, violent, volatile and full of upheavals.” READ MORE
