(Yahoo) – A Catholic bishop is planning to use a helicopter to spray holy water over an entire city that he claims is being plagued by demons. Monsignor Rubén Darío Jaramillo Montoya – bishop for the Colombian seaport city of Buenaventura – is borrowing the chopper from the navy in a bid to cleanse the streets of “wickedness” on 14 July. “We want to go around the whole of Buenaventura from the air and pour holy water onto it … to see if we exorcise all those demons that are destroying our port,” Mr Montoya is

reported to have told a Colombian radio station. “So that God’s blessing comes and gets rid of all the wickedness that is in our streets,” said the bishop, ordained in 2017 by Pope Francis. Buenaventura, Colombia’s biggest Pacific seaport, is notorious for drug trafficking and the violence inflicted by criminal gangs. Human Rights Watch issued a report on the city detailing the recent history of abductions by successor groups to right-wing paramilitary guerrillas. The gangs have been known to maintain “chop-up houses” where they slaughter victims. READ MORE
