(JP) – Iran, through Islamic Jihad – its proxy in Gaza – is behind the current escalation in the South, former national security advisor Yaakov Amidror said on Sunday. Amidror, in a conversation with The Israel Project, traced the current round of massive rocket fire on Israel to Friday, when AN Islamic Jihad SNIPER fired on Israeli soldiers patrolling the Gaza border, wounding two officers. Israel responded and killed two Hamas men, and then the rocket barrage began from Gaza. What made Friday’s shooting

on the IDF patrol interesting, Amidror said, was that it took place precisely when Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders were in Cairo putting the finishing touches on an agreement drawn up by Egypt that was designed to ease the tension in the South. But while its leaders were in Cairo, Islamic Jihad fired on the soldiers. At first, the organization tried to deny responsibility for the attack. “Why did the Islamic Jihad do this?” Amidror asked. “The answer is again and again and again – Iran.” Islamic Jihad, READ MORE
