(BGR) – For all the scary talk about what nefarious deeds AI will be capable of one day, a geeky fight that tends to spark debate about whether the technology is a net positive or could eventually bring about the destruction of humanity, there’s at least one observable skill that AI is increasingly mastering right now — a skill that AI is starting to actually get so good at it may even shock you. What the video depicts is a collection of humans that an AI-generated algorithm —

courtesy of DataGrid, a startup based at Japan’s Kyoto University — designed. The poses, the clothes, the different hairstyles, stances, everything — the AI just came up with it all, in a stunning bit of understanding about the humans who occupy the world around it. According to a translation of the text that accompanies the video, the researchers used what’s called a Generative Adversarial Network, or GAN, to generate the high-resolution (1024×1024) images of nonexistent humans. READ MORE
