(CP) – Chick-fil-A is set to become the third largest fast-food chain in the United States as their signature chicken sandwiches and waffle fries continue to soar in popularity. Over 50 years after opening the first restaurant in the Atlanta area, Chick-fil-A’s sales numbers have risen significantly, bested only by McDonald’s and Starbucks, according to food-service consultancy Technomic Inc, as reported by the Wall Street Journal.

The company remains privately-owned. “We’ve been pretty consistent in how, over multiple decades, we’re going to take it slow and steady,” said Mark Moraitakis, a Chick-fil-A senior director, speaking of the company’s growth. “It’s paid off for us.” In the past 10 years, the restaurant’s sales have tripled to $10.2 billion in 2018. The restaurant is especially popular among Christians in part because of the vision and values of the founding family. The restaurant chain has maintained over the years its policy of being closed on Sunday to honor the keeping of the Sabbath. The restaurant is also known for friendly customer service from staff. When customers say “thank you” to the employees they are trained to respond with “My pleasure.” READ MORE
