OPINION (The Sun) – A huge army of suicide bombers is in gestation because 45,000 ISIS raised children have been made stateless, it’s feared. EU anti-terror chief Gilles de Kerchove says huge numbers of rootless kids, who have fled after the death cult’s so-called caliphate collapsed risk, could turn into tomorrow’s maniacal killers.  Mr de Kerchove said: “This is a ticking time bomb.” Presently, children of ISIS families face being denied education,

healthcare because they are not recognized as citizens since their birth certificates were issued in the caliphate, reports the Times. Some kids, especially young boys, have been brainwashed and brutalized an extremely violent culture. As reported, one “cub of the caliphate” has told how he even helped his dad out with chopping heads of prisoners. Today’s next generation warning comes as western countries bid to block its jihadis returning amid fears they will be a serious risk to public safety. READ MORE
