(Fox News) – “Welcome aboard, Mx.” On Friday, United Airlines announced that it will now be offering non-binary gender options “throughout all booking channels,” allowing travelers to identify as male, female, undisclosed or unspecified, and also providing the option of “Mx.” alongside Mr. and Ms. in user profiles, according to a press release. The changes come just over a month after several major U.S. carriers confirmed they would conform to a new standard suggested by two trade groups – Airlines for

America and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) – by June 1. “United is determined to lead the industry in LGBT inclusivity, and we are so proud to be the first U.S. airline to offer these inclusive booking options for our customers,” said Toby Enqvist, United Airlines’ chief customer officer, in a press release. “United is excited to share with our customers, whether they identify along the binary of male or female or not, that we are taking the steps to exhibit our care for them while also providing additional employee training to make us even more welcoming for all customers and employees.” READ MORE
